Ron Gutman: The hidden power of smiling | Video on
Today is the kind of day I love. The registrar took the day off and the consultant wasn't anywhere to be found. The ward round was done by the intern and I. We went to the patients, asked them how they were going, checked their vital signs, checked that they've pooped earlier in the morning or anytime yesterday and went around smiling and waving around to the patients. Sweet. As sweet as a stolen kiss, as the Irish would say it.
The intern told me that I should go home as soon as possible and I, of course, not wanting to disappoint anyone in my team, obliged.
And so I went home early, switched the computer on and lounged around...for an hour or so. It is very nice.
Later I thought I'd have ample time to have a run before the sun sets. And so after Asr prayers, I took to the streets.
Just to inform all of you who may have never been to Gosford, the terrain here is very hilly. And so up and down I went. Until I met my arch nemesis, the hill going up to the Gosford Hospital. Usually I would just bring myself in baby steps up half the hill, and walk (with a rather comical facial expression, flaring nostrils and over enthusiastic arm swinging) up the other half.
Today however is a good day. And so I thought, I'll run up 3/4 of the hill! Good improvement for a good day! And so I ran (baby stepping still) up the hill, and around half way up the hill, my legs started to scream. Owh great, I dont know if I could do what I wanted to two seconds ago. And my pace started to fall, it was very much comparable to a drunk baby snail's.
But then I remembered this talk up here, and believing in the power of it's magic,(heeehee...) I forced a smile. You should've seen my face, it was twisted. Absolutely laughable. And I wont have anything against you for ROFL-ing at all! I was forcing myself to display my teeth to everyone who passed me in their cars. They must think I was on my way to the Psychiatric ward. But lo and behold! By the time I thought I was going to give up, and my smile was about to fade, I was already very close to the crest of the hill!! And mustering my last bits of strength to maintain a smile and keep my legs running, I made up the crest of the hill!!! *clap clap clap*. The feeling, to conquer that hill is just so great! And immediately I was in the mode: impossible is nothing! (thus this poorly planned entry and the bursts of short sentences)
So people, whenever you feel tired and everything inside you are screaming in pain, you might want to try a smile. You never know which hill it may help you climb.
Run easy
ahaha. u remind me of my cute 11 y.o. cousin. one day i complained to her that life has been so stressful. and she said, "oh kakfairuz, senyum je tau. kalau stress senyum je" and until now, every time we finished chatting, she keep reminding, "senyumm ok senyummmmm jgn lupe"
ReplyDeleteeven im not stress pun =.='
and yess keep smiling, u would never know, that ur smiling could affect someone's day. lagi2 kalau duduk dalam hospital yg penuh dengan orang sakettt ;)
Opkos always. Smile smpai kejang otot2 muka!