Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Past by yk

Hi all !

This is a blog post of a friend that I have only recently discovered. I feel quite connected to it and asked his permission to post it here so to share the post with all of you. My mate here is studying medicine at the same Uni as I am and he is also making some really really awesome music !!(reminds of me of the days when I used to listen to heaps of metal music, until the 'death grunts' in the music scared me off for good). For a treat of the awesome music I mentioned, here is the link to his myspace webpage:

To yk: thanks for this article mate! I have just omitted some of the content as I felt that some of my readers may not feel so comfortable with it. Otherwise nothing else is touched =). As I told you, the world needs more of positive minded people to spread goodness around, thanks for being one of them.

Enough of my own worthless chat, here is the article: 

Hey everyone! It's been a while but I'm back!
Sorry for leaving you for so long, I've actually been unwell for a little, but I'm finally getting better! I've returned to the recording studio to do some work on a new track, and I can already say that it's going to be very heavy. With all that is happening right now I'm hoping to get it released (as well as all of my songs to date) by the end of this year via an album release !! Thanks for supporting yk and please continue to follow our journey!

I've recently been using my blog to explore various issues, and today, I wanted to deal with none other but the past.


If we look back on our lives, we can undoubtedly identify moments that have wounded us, events that have scarred us, and people who have left us feeling hollow and hurt. And although it is easy to complain about society, highlight flaws in the world around us, and even talk ill of those who have wronged us, this often brings us no closer to what we truly seek, which is peace, which is freedom from our past.

Before starting my side project "yk", I was a session musician for several bands and artists, and I was very fortunate in that it allowed me to develop as an individual musician as well as a musician. As I grew closer to the people I worked with, we began to share moments from our lives, and what began to surface was most unexpected. See these people were those who wore bright smiles everyday, they were talented, they were intelligent, they were beautiful, they had the most endearing personalities I had ever encountered, but over many meals, coffees, studio breaks, and house visits, I came to know of childhood divorces, broken families, abuse, bullying, self-image issues, betrayal, and the list goes on.

When people meet inherently "happy" people or those who are "at peace", they often (wrongly) come to the conclusion that they haven't experienced the same hardships as others. They often assure themselves that they haven't had as many sleepless nights, as many enemies, as many challenges, as many losses, as many failures, as many hurtful words thrown at them … that they are only happy and peaceful because they "haven't experienced the other face of life". But guys, these people HAD experienced all of these problems, but the key thing was – THEY NEVER ALLOWED WHAT OCCURRED IN THE PAST TO CHANGE THEIR OUTLOOK ON THE FUTURE.

Guys, there is a way to get beyond that one incident that keeps revisiting you when no ones there, that one thing that makes you so fearful of tomorrow, the one thing that shrouds your world in grey, that steals your smiles and taints your outlook on life.

There is ultimately only one reason why so many live in yesterday's struggles – it's because they allow themselves to. You must leave the past where it belongs. You might need to consciously do this at first but I assure you, it will get easier. There may be times when old memories return to test you, but you are stronger, you can push them away.

"To get beyond your past, you must forgive, and keep on forgiving until the past loses its hold over you. You must rise up and declare by faith that the power those old issues had over you is broken."

You must realise, understand and above all, celebrate that your future is greater than your past. Have a vision of where you are going to be, and what you are going to become, and live your life working towards it. "Until you have a vision of tomorrow, you'll live in yesterday's struggles"

My wounded friends, you will make it through the endless rain and wear those beautiful smiles that so few of us are privy to. I can't tell you whether it'll happen quickly or easily, I can't tell you in what ways or at what rates you'll make the journey, but trust me, you will make it through.



  1. Hey bro thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed the post and keep up the awesome blog!

  2. well again, thanks bro for the post. Last Dance is really good. Cant wait for more music from you !
