Last night, the annual Malaysian Night hosted by the Malaysian club MYSUN was held in a club in Newcastle City.
Alia reciting a poem about Independence |
Despite my horrible appetite and ongoing tummy cramps, we made it through alright. There were lots of food, performances and what not all night. Overall, things were good.
However while sitting in the front table, trying to eat something to chase this gastro away (does that even work scientifically?), several things intrigued me.
Abang Mizan aka my Silat teacher. Cool or what? |
Firstly, what the emcees called 'history classes'. While waiting for things to be set up, the emcees would sometimes state some historical facts about Malaysian independence. The recurrent theme that I managed to pick up was about colonisation, by one power after the next. Malaysia was colonized by the portugese, then the dutch and the brits and the japs.... Gee...I thought that was just heart breaking. That we were there telling some ten percent of the audience that our country was a ball in the air, punched and kicked and rolled around by people. True that was. It is historical fact, I shall not argue. But to me, listening to all that through the voices of the emcees whom have no choice but to state it cheerfully is just, again, heart breaking. And I asked myself, confused and wondering, where is the patriotism in that?
Apek on the band 'Tragic Affair' |
Why dont we talk about the struggle for independence instead? To cherish people who have made it possible? To appreciate them and acknowledge the fact that what they did finally brought us free from the brits after hundreds of years of colonization of land and mind? And to state that the fight for independence was bloodless? So what was it that flowed from the veins of the Warriors of Malacca, Dato' Maharajalela, Tok Gajah, Tok Janggut and thousands more, be it Malay, Indian or Chinese when they were shot and stabbed by these colonizers? Are we trying to paint a politically beautiful, peaceful history at the cost of the honor of these men and women who gave their lives trying to protect the land that was dear to them? Is this the way we honour our forefathers?
Maybe a great thing to do is to get to know these patriots personally, to know what makes them the patriots they were, what gave them the strength to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country and learn from them.
Awesome performance! |
Secondly, to the agreement of some of my collegues, none of them Malay and one of them not a Malaysian, some of the performances weren't really Malaysian culture at all. The girls doing the chinese dance actually said its not chinese (to which i think i understand), rather it was just a fan (like chinese fans) dance. And again, it gets me thinking, if the objective of Malaysian night is to showcase malaysian culture, are some of these things that we do correlate well with what we say? What is the point in this then? I'm not criticizing my friends who put in a lot of effort into their performances, i mean, what they did were great! Especially the Indian dance, but I would like to enjoin us to think about what we do. And learn.
What we do, must be consistent with what we say. Especially when we are representing a whole lot of people to the world. If we want to celebrate independence, to celebrate diversity in a multicultural land, we should then talk about independence, about revolutions, about lessons we can learn from being colonized, about what its like to live in racial and religious harmony and how Australia can learn from what we do back home. Yes, many people want to see dances, many people want to cheer and laugh and have a good time, but is that what our independence and our culture is all about? Dancing? Singing songs that dont even potray our independence and multiculturalism and showing fighting moves? Are we that shallow of a people? Is this shallowness what we, a percentage of the most well educated people from the country are proud about?
Hiyak hiyak hiyak!!! |
Think, people, think! You are intelligent people.
Why dont we have a deeper Malaysian night next time? One thats about revolutions. Revolution of mind, of language, of culture, of religious tolerance, of harmony, of economics, of science. We don't have to abandon the great performances, but we can certainly educate ourselves more and other people about the greatness of Malaysia. Lets do a play, about aspirations of young Malaysians, of how we want the future to be, of how we want to be liberated from the clutches of negative foreign influences, of how we want to, together build a better Malaysia for all. Integrated, harmonized, peaceful, understanding.
I'd risk sounding ideal and unreal, but isnt this what we want? Isnt this patriotism? Isnt this what we mean when we say we love our country?
We should love Malaysia as much as Aryzz loves to put the Malaysian flag into his mouth! |
Salam perpaduan, salam cinta Malaysia!
Credits to Ahmad Syafiq Akbar Ali, the photographer who allowed me to post these photos up. To see more of his work, go . Thank you bro! This is my most colourful post ever!
uuu like that aaa... tak pernah lagi ada sketsa kemerdekaan kan. they should make one lah next time. ke dah ade? tade lagi kaaan.
ReplyDeletequoting our 5th prime minister,
"MERDEKA adalah milik berharga Negara bangsa, berdosa bagi mereka yang mempersia-siakannya, biadab bagi mereka yang tidak menghargainya"
i went to memorial pengisytiharan kemerdekaan today to celebrate our independence day. patriotic taaaakkkk
ps: how i miss malaysian night punya feeling!
and i know u know who am i!
ya Allah, kenal sangat si cantek lalala ni haha.
ReplyDeleteTahniah sbb anda berjaya memaparkan semangat patriotisme anda. Patriotikkkkk sangat, haha.
tak ikhlas weyh puji pariotik. i spent an hour lebih okaaayyy tour the memorial. and also istana melyu melaka. siap hafal sejarah tun kudu yang sangt2 PATRIOTIK itu. ha kau tahuuuu tun kudu buat ape???
ReplyDeletetak tahu kann. tu laaah budak jaman sekarang sambut merdeka tahu bersilat. eh tahu menari jee. hehehee
ikhlas la weyh...nak lagi panjang ke ejaan patriotik tu?
ReplyDeletetun kudu? mmmm...mestilah tahu ! *bunyi taipan laju2* alahai laju sangat tertaip tun kude pula....sat2..
emmm kenape kluar perihal gerabak kereta api KTMB ini? haha giveup tatahu langsung tentang tun kudu wahai si chantek lagi.
haha. gooogle lah tuuu. tade ehh sebab tun kudu ni ajaaibbb. die tak boleh berada di alam maya. hoho.
ReplyDeletetun kudu kan, is one of the srikandi pada zaman pemerintahan melayu melaka. dia ni kahwin dengan sultan muzafar syah. masa tu yang dilantik menjadi bendahara is tun sri nara ali (ape dah name panjang die, panggil tun ali sudeeeyh)
tun kudu ada lagi 2 orang adik beradik. tun perak tu one of them. adik ke abang tak tahu. sultan telah kagum bangat dengan kehebatan dan ketrampilan tun perak lantas dia menabalkan tunperak sebagai bendahara melakaaa. tapi kan mase tu tun ali dah jadi bendahara, so, tun ali tak pueh hati lah sebab, takkan lah nak ada due bendahara.
lepas tu diorang bergaduh. tun ali memberontaaaak lantas, sultan kate, "pls laaah ali plssss... hentikan pemberontakan itu. kau nak ape? habaq mai aku akan penuhi permintaan kaauuuuuu"
tun ali kate, " aku mahu tun kudu menjadi isterikuuuu !!!"
tak logik betol tun ali ni ade keeee patut minta tun kudu dengan SULTHOOONNN, SULTAAANNN beliaauuu. tapi disebabkan betapa pentingnya kesejahteraaan rakyat dan melaka, sultan dan tun kudu pun bersetuju...
betapa besarnya pengorbanan tun kudu sanggup melepaskan title permaisuri beliau, eh cinta terhadap sultan muzafar syah ketika itu demi untuk meleraikan persengketaan yang berlaku. cehwahhh!
disebabkan pengorbanan itu, bukan sahaja melaka menjadi aman, tetapi hubungan tun ali dan tun perak mejadi akrab gituuu. dan tun ali diantik menjadii.... aku dah tak ingat tapi seangkatan dgn bendahara tun perak lah. laksamana kotg. xpon bendahari. hehehe.
dan aku tatahu lah dengan sape pulak sultan muzafar kahwin lepaas tuu, mungkin tun teja. ok aku tipu. tun teja kahwin dengan sultan mahmud padahal tun teja dah bertunang dengan hang tuah ish ish ish. ok lah. x pasal2 aku bukak sejarah melayu kat blog kau plak.
sekian sahaja info tun kudu untuk harini di harap tidak bercanggah dengan fakta dan sejarah melayu sebenar.
ps: penjaga istana tu cakap, tun kudu selalu beralih tempat. the diaroma tu lah. dalam tu ada patung tun kudu. masa ktorang datang tu die dok alihkan kedudukan patung tun kudu menghadap sultan. haritu die jumpa tun kudu belakang katil sultan. tgok cctv tak nampak pon makhluk yang alihkan tun kudu.
adakah tun kudu lenguh dan tak larat duduk bertimpuh lame32 lantas berbaring di katil raja yang berada 30 meter dari jarak beliau bertimpuh??? misteriii....
si comooottt pulee