Tuesday, August 2, 2011

On how tall, built, macho and handsome I am

I get angry at people who make fun of others excessively. Partly because I've been laughingstock....or to put it in a lighter way,a joke by many, all my life. And partly because I've seen what making fun of others can do to a person.
Spare the constant self embarrassing stunts  I usually get myself in, I've always been made fun of by people. Mostly its because of my physical attributes. I'm short, small, dark, hairy, big nosed...you name it.
When I was a child I got very disturbed by all these remarks people make, sometimes not even meaning to offend, sometimes just a statement of the truth, of what appears to them in physicality. So disturbed was I that I sometimes get to a stage of not really liking myself, and blaming someone for what I was.
But not too far into teenage-hood that I finally stopped being disturbed by comments people make, because I started to accept what was given to my by God. It doesn't mean that I stopped wishing that I was a wee bit taller or that I was a bit bigger (there's the gym for that anyways) but I started to accept things that I was born with. Namely the phenotypes of my genes, things I've had no choice in. And since I started to accept what I was, responding to comments got a bit harder. I just don't know how to respond, for I see no problems with people making those jokes about me.

So yeah, the whole text up there was just to say, hey guys! I don't really mind whatever you guys say about me. I'm fine with it.  In saying that though, I for one do not condone making fun of other people's physical attributes.

For making fun of others doesn't necessarily reflect them, rather it reflects us.

Make me laugh

p.s.: excuse the rant, I have no idea what to put in the blog so there goes. And yes, the picture up there is how I look like in actual reality =P.


  1. hard for me to believe in this post. :P
    i was like, "then why on earth did you think we chose you as our model for last year's IAW's video?" hahaha.

    I think girls face an even more pressure in all this. lols. Alhamdulillah for hijabs!

    I think we're blessed to have Islam as a religion. We're taught to cherish people's heart and iman rather than looks. Good looks aint accessible to all yeah? but everyone has a fair go at having a good heart + iman.

    matluthfi puts it well in his video:

    can't wait for further inspiring posts~!

  2. eh. u laaaahhhh the handsome of all, azfar! ;P

    orang kate jangan sibuk mencari kesempurnaan, tapi itulah yang kita cari-cari

  3. @Hani: yeah absolutely! In front of God, what really matters is taqwa right? So with that Islam demolished all human made concepts of ranking, like race, looks, money etc. Its such a beautiful concept!

    @anonymous: erkk...is this mama..? haha tu lah masalahnye, orang suke ejek orang yg lain sikit dari orang lain, sometimes we forget that people dont have a say in certain aspects of themselves. But i dont find it that much now since i'm in uni so im guessing its an age thing. Owh well... =)
